
On eagles' wings she carries you high

Over the moon gliding on her silver horse

To places you have never been

Filling the air with singing and chimes

Let go all fear enjoy the wind 

New visions dancing with the wind

And remember why you are here

Bringing life into earth and soul

Find the big stone where the sword is held

Surrender give your tears away

Between dropping leaves and singing birds

Let the spiral dance within

Where rabbits eat fresh clover and grass

Fill yourself with love and light

You will face your inner truth 

And let the world come in

When you are naked shedding your skin

Angels' feathers dropping of her sword

Empty spaces nowhere to hide

Healing your wounded heart

Silent cries dying in loneliness 

You shall be whole again

Evil faces grinning at your dispair

A glimpse in the dark a little flower rising 

Released from dried out dreams

Where no hope was expected anymore

New dimensions appear to be

Blessed by her eternal word

  Das Buch Dragon’s Eggs (published 2009) kann bei mir bezogen werden   :   rebblu7@gmail.com

                                 Kosten:  30 sFr. plus Versandkosten         (5 sFr gehen an AnimalsAsia, www.animalsasia.org)

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